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01Map.jpgMap for the Arctic OceanIODP 302 Arctic Coring Expedtion (ACEX) was carried out at 88˚N (water depth 1250 m) on the Lomonosov Ridge during 7 August-13 September 2004.お気に入りに追加
02VVOdenTrasf.jpgD/V Vidar Viking and R/V OdenNorwegian D/V Vidar Viking and Swedish R/V Oden employed for IODP Expedition 302 Arctic Coring Expedition (ACEX).お気に入りに追加
03VVSovSoy.jpgDrilling in the ArcticRussian nuclear I/B Sovietsky Soyuz 23,600 T (left) and Norwegian D/V Vidar Viking (right) engaged in ice braking and drilling at 88˚N. お気に入りに追加
04VVfromBridge.JPGDeep-Sea floor drillingD/V Vidar Viking (right) and R/V Oden (left) at 88˚N.お気に入りに追加
05DrillBit.JPGDrill bitA drill bit employed during IOOP Expedition 302. お気に入りに追加
06MST.jpgMSTMulti sensor tracking system acquiring multiple physical properties of sediments.お気に入りに追加
07OdenLab.jpgWorking in the lab aboard R/V OdenR/V Oden (~10k tons) is an ice-braker and rearch vessel belonging to the Royal Academy of Sweden. The cores drilled by D/V Vidar Viking were transported twice a day to R/V Oden by helicopters. お気に入りに追加
08Silico_Diatoms.jpgEocene siliceous microfossilsAbundant well preserved siliceous microfossils were finally encountered at 200 m below sea-floor (mbsf) down to 320 mbsf, after revealing no sign of preservation from the top of the cores at the sea-floor to 200 mbsf. The ages of sediments from 200 to 320 mbsf were determined with the microfossils as 44 million to 52 million years old (the Eocene Period). [See list of publications for more details.]お気に入りに追加
09NorthPole.jpgNorth PoleIODP 302 members celebrating the success of the first drilling at the North Pole. お気に入りに追加
10Nature.jpgNature articlesSome of the primary findings of IODP 302 ACEX were published in Nature. お気に入りに追加
11Publist.jpgACEX publicationsIODP 302 ACEX produced numerous important publications by scientists from more than 17 different countries. Here are some contributions made by the members of paleoenvironmental laboratory at the Kyushu University. Professor Kozo Tahahashi ( and Dr. Jonaotaro Onodera were the ACEX participants on board R/V Oden. お気に入りに追加

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